Wednesday 25 November 2015

Perbezaan Master, Strata dan Individual Title

Master Title : Developer is the land holder
Sebelum wujudnya strata/individual title ini, developer merupakan pemilik tanah  dalam Master title. Developer berhak ke atas sebarang transaksi ke atas tanah tersebut. Selepas unit dijual, developer akan membuat permohonan untuk pertukaran hak milik tanah. Setiap unit mempunyai "Pemilik Tanah" yang berbeza mengikut owner kepada unit tersebut. Mengikut undang2, developer hendaklah memindah milik ownership tanah kepada owner rumah dalam masa 6bulan selepas CF approved.

Strata Title : Separate lease issued to owner of sub-divided property
Strata title hanya berlaku pada sub-divided property seperti condominium, apartment, flat, townhouse etc.. Ia dipanggil strata title apabila terdapat beberapa rumah di atas tanah yang sama tetapi pemilikan berbeza.

Individual Title : Separate lease issued to owner of landed property
Semua landed property seperti teres, banglo, semi-D dan sebagainya mempunyai pemilik tanah yang berbeza. Pemilik tanah ini adalah pemilik landed property tersebut. Ini dipanggil sebagai individual title. Bagaimanapun, ada juga sesetengah landed property yang berkongsi facilities. Ini dikira sebagai strata title.

Bagaimana untuk mengetahui sama ada sesuatu hartanah itu Master Title atau Strata/Individual Title?
1. Semak S&P - ada dinyatakan samada individual/strata title
2. Semak geran
3. Cek dengan developer for latest updates

Kelebihan dan kekurangan dari Master/Strata atau Individual title kepada pemilik
Master : Developer adalah land holder
1. Semua transaksi mesti mendapat approval dari developer
2. Sekiranya developer bankrupt, anda dinasihatkan untuk tidak membeli hartanah tersebut kerana akan berdepan kesukaran mendapatkan kelulusan loan.
3. Sekiranya hartanah masih lagi di bawah Master Title, biasanya bank tidak akan luluskan loan.
4. Mempengaruhi proses pengurusan transaksi jual beli
5. Pembeli tidak membeli hartanah menggunakan EPF

Strata/Individual : Pemilik rumah adalah land holder
1. Hartanah bebas dari semua di atas

Q & A

Q : If property under Master Title, is transaction allowed?
A : Yes but it must be approved by developer since developer in the land holder

Q : Can we sell the unit if the transferring the land ownership by developer is in process?
A : It is allowed to do direct transfer if the application of transferring land ownership was sent. The owner does not need reapply for transfer to the buyer. However if the application yet send, then direct transfer is not allowed.

Q : Who should do the application of Individual Title/Master Title?
A : Developer needs to apply with State Government and acknowledge all the units' owner

Q : Is that any influence if the unit is under Master Title and the owner is staying in the unit?
A : If the owner doesn't have intention to sell the unit, it doesn't matter. However it is still advisable to get the title for protection purposes (in case the developer is bankrupt)

Q : If the unit is under Master Title and developer is bankrupt, should owner inform the buyer?
A : Yes, do not hide it because the buyer will know it sooner or later especially when they apply for bank loan and S&P.

Q : How to get Individual/Strata Title if the unit is under Master Title while developer is bankrupt?
A : It is very complicated. The owner from each unit can set up a committee and collect a fund(bayaran khas tanah) , and apply from the state government to get back the land ownership. Owner should pressure the developer to get the Individual/Strata Title as soon as possible.

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